hsn-energy Status Meeting 4


On Friday, 05. February 2016 the fourth status meeting of the doctoral program Hannover School of Nanotechnology (hsn) takes place.

Participate should please all students of the hsn and all supervisors. The meeting takes place in the LNQE Research Building (Schneiderberg 39, 30167 Hannover) all day starting at 9:00. In the status meeting, the students report in 20 minute presentations (+5 minutes for discussion) about their project, the planned timing and progress, and put it up for discussion.


09:00 Greetings

09:05 - 10:45 Session I:

  • „Measurement of Surface Plasmon Propagation on metallic films“
    Speaker: Parva Chhantyal
    Supervisors: B. Chichkov, C. Reinhardt
  • “Spin Transition in Nanoscopic Polymer Fiber Composites”
    Speaker: Daniel Unruh
    Supervisors: F. Renz, M. Oestreich, R. Sindelar
  • "Preparation and properties of Gadolinium Oxynitride"
    Speaker: Anit Joseph
    Supervisors: J. Osten, T. Wietler
  • "Porous silicon as anode material for lithium ion batteries"
    Speaker: Sascha Wolter
    Supervisors: R. Brendel, D. Bahnemann

10:45 - 11:45 Poster (with Coffee)

11:45 - 13:00 Session II:

  • „Time resolved surface plasmon-polaritons“
    Speaker: Tobias Birr
    Supervisor: B. Chichkov, C. Reinhardt
  • „Evaluation of Porous Carbon Materials as Electrode Coatings“
    Speaker: Dennes Nettelroth
    Supervisor: P. Behrens, N. Guschanski
  • „Spin Noise Spectroscopy on single InAs Quantum Dots“
    Speaker: Julia Wiegand
    Supervisor: M. Oestreich, F. Renz

13:00 - 13:30 General Assembly

Afterwards: Group Photo

13:35 - Get-together with pretzels and sparkling wine